Hello everyone! We just want to give all of our customers at Curbie Sanitation a heads up on some changes coming in 2014.We are always looking for new ways to better serve you, and in the interest of that we will be moving all of our customers over to quarterly billing. Some of you may already be paying your bill on a quarterly schedule, in which case you won’t have any changes. For those that are currently on a bi-monthly billing schedule, we will be switching you over hopefully sometime in this coming year. This project is going to take some time, so it may be awhile before you see this change. We will be calling you to let you know when you can expect to be switched over.
Also, for customers that are interested, we will be collecting e-mails so we can keep in touch with them better. We only use this information to contact you about Curbie Sanitation, especially your account with us. For those who don’t want to give us an e-mail, that is fine too! This is just another way for us to offer faster customer service for those who wish it.
And one last thing we will be mentioning when we call you is our e-billing option. This is a great way for customers to receive their quarterly statements. You get your bill faster, don’t have to worry about it getting lost in the mail, and you help the environment by cutting down on paper usage. If you would like to start receiving your bill in your inbox, our staff will be more than happy to help you with this.